Originally this story was meant to be written as a cooperative effort with Loviisa. However, she was so emotionally affected by my writing... skill(?) that she wasn't able to continue. She said that my writing is so good she doesn't want to spoil it. We wrote this in 2013.
A group of people are slowly sauntering along in a world of darkness. The air is filled with heavy dark fog. Moonlight shines from the sky, but it looks dull through the darkened world.
This place used to be alive, but is no longer. It feels like there is no hope, light or happiness left in world and so do the poor creatures moving around in these lands.
This specific group of wanderers has been travelling for days. They are burdened by a grievous affliction, but have not found any hope of it going away.
A few years ago these lands were alive. There was lush greenery and nature all around. However, it was not to last forever.
How could that be? Those people were like hunted children. They had dreams, but they had seen everything destroyed. What was their mission? To bring life back? Was that really possible? Somehow, still, the human nature is cantankerous. They wouldn’t let go of their dreams, however far they were.
Huge wars rummaged the kingdoms, until little was left. Eventually, this world became too weak to resist and foul hordes of otherworldly beings took over.
What used to be a land of life, was swiftly destroyed.
That, which was beautiful, became corrupt.
In one of the battles on these ancient plains, this group of people was affected. In times of war, many villages were destroyed. The inhabitants tried to escape, but some did not succeed. Some, such as this same group.
A little more than a year ago, this group of wayward vagabonds met a war band. None survived, but this was not enough. After the battle, corrupt mages arrived and reanimated the dead. They were meant to become workers.
All were rounded up and made to stand in a tight cluster, to prevent escape. In a short while, the mages had finished their vile work and the band of warriors could move on. The prisoners were taken with them.
In their new life of undeath and endless misery, the people discovered many things. Some of them being that they no longer had to eat anything, never slept and never died. None of which made them feel better. When before their misery seemed like it could end one day, it was now eternal.
A few days later the warriors were ambushed in a forest. Soon they surrendered, to avoid too heavy casualties. However, the prisoners were not considered worthy of survival, as they had not fought. All prisoners were executed and the warriors unarmed. Then the army went away.
As days passed, the people were still lying on the ground. They had wondered when their agony would end, but as time went on they had to understand that it was not to end like this.
Deep misery had filled the crowd, but eventually they decided to find meaning in their new lack of life.
Limping and sauntering, people got up. Slowly, but surely, this band of survivors moved on.
Now here walk the dead. Desperate for salvation, they roam the lands. Trying to find a purpose, they are endlessly on the move.